Monday, September 1, 2014

The Return of the Blog!

Welcome back readers, and welcome students! Law All Over is back, with an exciting new twist for what I think will be a fascinating semester ahead. For those of you who are new to this, a quick explanation of what this blog is about:

Law All Over seeks to examine the ways that laws, rules, and informal norms purport to govern our daily lives and how who we think we are affects the ways we interpret and (mis)understand those rules, and our tendencies to follow or break them. 

That's it in a nutshell. For about two years, I wrote posts looking at various situations and exploring their sometimes hidden socio-legal dimensions (with some excellent help from a few guest bloggers), and collected links on happenings in the legal world. While these features will return, I'm excited to introduce a few changes that I think will make this even more fun and more interesting. 

Change #1: While I will still post on occasion on law and society, I'm going to be posting more often on teaching law and society. I'm teaching a newly authored course this semester, "Law, Culture, and Identity," and will use this space to reflect on my pedagogical approaches, curricular choices, and solicit suggestions for in-class activities. My dream is to make this class a space for intellectual collaboration between not just my students and myself, but between the class and the blogosphere. 

Change #2: There will be far more frequent guest posts because all of my students' writing assignments will be short examinations of law and society topics and - with their permission, of course - I will post them once a week or so on here. The blog will have a far wider authorship this term, and that will only increase the intellectual creativity on the site. With their posts and comments (of which there will be many), this will be a far more participatory site - I hope the rest of you will join in the fun too!

So here's to a more pedagogically curious, collaborative, and fun semester on Law All Over! I'm excited to be back and I'm looking forward to seeing how this new idea grows.

Special Welcome to the Students of Political Science 389: Law, Culture, and Identity

Welcome to 389's digital home away from home! This will be the site where some of your papers are put up as blogposts, and where you will comment on your classmates' work. You are obviously encouraged to peruse my past posts to get a feel for the blog, but your content will stem from the course material. As I've said, we're going to have fun in this course, but it will be intellectually serious fun and always, ALWAYS remember that this is a public space. Others will be able to read anything we post here, so make sure that - whether it's a post or a comment - it reflects your best work and hews to the appropriate boundaries for public discourse. 

It's going to be a great semester; I'm excited to get started!

1 comment:

  1. Well my essay on price gouging had a good run on the front page. I'm sad it's over, but congrats on the new momentum!

    - "Tim"
